
EDU-CERT will assist system administrators of MARWAN connected institutions in handling the  technical and organizational aspects of incidents.  In particular, it will provide assistance and advice with respect to the following aspects of incident management:


  puce rouge Incident Triage: investigating whether indeed an incident occured and determining the extent of the incident.


  puce rouge Incident Coordination: determining the initial cause of the incident (vulnerability exploited), facilitating contact with other sites which may be involved, making reports to other CSIRTs.


  puce rouge Incident Resolution: Assure that security incidents are handled properly by the affected organisations, Ask for feedback, propose appropriate procedures.


  puce rouge Proactive security: advisory service, maintain a database of networks, sites and security contacts, mailing lists for security information, regular tutorials on security topics, network scans.

Security News

Copyright © 2020 EDU-CERT : the Moroccan Academic Computer Emergency Response Team. All Rights Reserved.